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An Inaugural Program in the Launch of New Series on Maritime TV

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As part of our new programming line-up for 2018, Maritime TV is pleased to launch a new video interview series entitled ‘The Jones Act…Just the Facts’ where we interview industry professionals to highlight little-known details surrounding the Jones Act for both industry and mainstream press consumption. In this inaugural program edition in the series, we interviewed maritime expert and Ship Master Dr. John A.C. Cartner to gain some historical perspective on how and why the Jones Act evolved when it was introduced by Senator Wesley Jones from Washington state in 1920. Few know that the Jones Act was initiated to create a cabotage trade in the Pacific Northwest in response to Canadian ships providing coastwise service to U.S. ports. In addition, there are actually seaman’s rights provisions in the Jones Act that allow injured sailors to make claims and obtain damages from their employer for the negligence of the ship owner, including acts of the Captain or fellow crew members.

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Series Sponsor

Clay Maitland, Chairman



Webcast Event Contact Information
Dave Gardy - TV Inc. - [email protected] / (703) 961-9250