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2017 MARAD Hurricane Relief Feature (15 Minute Version)

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The 2017 Atlantic Hurricane season will go down as one of the most catastrophic in history with 3 of the 6 major hurricanes of Category 3 or stronger, Harvey, Irma and Maria, leading to most of the death and destruction….. in Texas, Florida, the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico.

As extraordinary as these three storms were, just as impressive were the maritime relief efforts in support of the Federal Emergency Management Agency or (FEMA). This response was led the Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration, or MARAD, through deployment of MARAD vessels from its Ready Reserve Force or RRF, in cooperation with the United States Transportation Command, while the domestic U.S. Flag Maritime industry also provided vital support to FEMA. This video was produced by MARAD to document this hurricane relief response effort.
Please note there is a shorter 6-minute executive summary version of this video.

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Clay Maitland, Chairman



Webcast Event Contact Information
Dave Gardy - TV Inc. - [email protected] / (703) 961-9250